【同义词辨析】 2018-10-23 直率bluff-gruff
bluff: connotes a good-natured outspokenness and unconventionality: a bartender with a ~ manner. (convention常规习俗习惯,常暗示缺乏创新和独立,如conventional beauty常规(即一般认为)的美,conventional courtesy常规的礼貌)
blunt: suggests directness of expression in disregard of others' feelings: a ~ appraisal of the performance. 评价
brusque: applies to an abrupt sharpness and ungraciousness: a ~ response to a civil question. (gracious优雅礼貌,顾及他人感受,如her gracious acceptance of the award她很有礼貌的接受颁奖)
curt: implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness: a ~ comment about the cause of the foul-up. (disconcert让人困惑怀疑自己,如disconcerted by the large audience面对大量观众感到怯场) (foul-up混乱差错mistake or disorganization,如a series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product一系列技术问题延误了新品上市)
crusty: suggests a harsh or surly manner that may conceal an inner kindliness: a ~ exterior that conceals a heart of gold. (surly不愿说话交流,显得冷酷无礼,如a surly young man一个冷酷的年轻人)
gruff: suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness: puts on a ~ pose in front of strangers.
bluff直爽: 褒义,说话不遮掩不拘小节,blunt言率: 说话直接不顾感受,brusque唐突: 形容说话唐突简短无礼(sharp这里不是锐利,而是说话简短),curt简短粗鲁: 说话过于简短让人不适显得粗鲁,crusty冷酷: 举止严厉冷酷(harsh严厉严峻,surly冷酷无礼),但内心善良,gruff生硬: 语言粗糙(hoarse, husky都表示声音粗哑),既可能是脾气不好也可能是因为尴尬害羞。
记忆方法: 1)首字母BBBCCG想成不惭不耻不恭<==直率
2)直率的意思是言行举止唐突无礼mean abrupt and unceremonious in speech or manner.